Leave it open for a sweet reminder of a happy time or loved ones, and a convenient spot for gathering smaller trinkets to keep your surfaces tidy.

If space is an issue, or you want to combine storage and display, a Terra Flip-Top Box has a clever spot for a photo to be framed just under the the lid. Store valuables such as money, jewelry, passports, and credit cards where criminals are the least likely to look in plain view. Each Hyper-Realistic Can Safe is manufactured from the original products packaging making it indistinguishable from the 'real' thing. Leave it open a peek, and style it up with an assortment of framed pictures to create a whole story on your shelf. Conceal your valuables in plain sight with Hyper-Realistic Can Safes. Tom Gaffney, founder of Gaffco is interviewed by The New York Times about Safe Rooms / Panic. Get creative! Some of our customers have used Secret Boxes to keep really inspired collections - sand and shells from your honeymoon? Place the nostalgic items in a Secret Box with a decorated lid that speaks to the occasion it marks, or to your personal style. Still Secret and Secure, Safe Rooms Now Hide in Plain Sight. These safes are designed to look like normal furniture or decoration that would likely adorn any home, or sometimes they are built into a wall in a way that they are completely undetectable to the eye. When Secret Boxes aren’t busy being useful, they can help highlight a sentimental item for display. A hidden safe is a secure method of storing valuables or firearms in convenient locations where they would normally never be noticed. A Secret Box also makes a great addition to your entryway console, as a handy spot to keep your house keys or spare change. You know, I bet those crooks are hiding in plain sight. We like a Secret Box on a bookcase in our office, as a hidden place to keep things we always want handy, but don’t need out and cluttering our desk at all times - like a pair of headphones, a book of stamps, or the key to our safe. To remain unseen despite being in full, unrestricted view. Set up a “shelfie” with other natural components to highlight the color and grain of the wood, or play with shape and dimension and set your box among taller geometric or organic shaped vases and sculptures. They make a statement on a shelf and are so much fun to style. From non-compliance with safety regulations to a lack of controls and contractor mismanagement, these hazards are always present. The larger sizes make a beautiful addition to your home decor.

Secret Boxes are small but mighty, with a super appealing smooth shape that begs to be touched.